Two Reasons You Should Sell Your House

Two Reasons You Should Sell Your House

Wondering if you should sell your house this year? As you make your decision, think about what’s motivating you to consider moving. A recent survey from asked why homeowners are thinking about selling their houses this year. Here are the top two reasons (see graphic below):

Let’s break those reasons down and explore how they might resonate with you.

1. I Want To Take Advantage of the Current Market and Make a Profit

When you decide to sell your house, how much you’ll make from the sale will likely be top of mind. So, here’s some good news: according to the latest data, the average seller can expect a strong return on their investment when they make a move. ATTOM explains

“The $112,000 profit on median-priced home sales in 2022 represented a 51.4% return on investment compared to the original purchase price, up from 44.6% last year and from 32.8% in 2020.”

Even though home prices have declined slightly in some markets, they’re still much higher overall than they were just a few years ago. To understand what’s happening with home prices in your area and the current value of your house, work with a local real estate professional. They can give you the best advice on how much you could gain if you sell this year.

2. My Home No Longer Meets My Needs

The average person has been in their house for ten years. That’s a long time when you think about how much may have changed in your life since you moved in. And typically, those changes have a direct impact on what you need in a home. Whether it’s more (or less) space, different features, or a location closer to your work or loved ones, your current house may no longer check all the boxes of what feels like home to you. If that’s the case, it could be time to work with a real estate agent to find a better fit.

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Many buyers and sellers are rethinking their approach to achieving their real estate goals due to the market turmoil of recent years, according to a new report from RE/MAX.

RE/MAX’s U.S. Future of Real Estate 2023 report includes a survey of more than 2,900 homebuyers or sellers, along with expert interviews with real estate researchers and economists, identified six key themes exploring how people’s attitudes and values toward buying, owning, and selling homes are shifting.

The six key themes identified in the report as main trends and mindsets impacting buying and selling in 2023 are:

  1. Information overload: People want help making better sense of the homebuying and selling process.
  2. Real talk: People want real estate agents to offer more human-centered support.
  3. Modern adaptability: People are making compromises in search of stability.
  4. Future-proofed properties: People are looking for self-sustaining, resilient homes.
  5. New hubs: People are looking for areas that offer them the opportunity to connect with a community.
  6. Curated control: People want spaces they can optimize for work and play.

Key highlights:

  • 46% of sellers cite more support in understanding the process as one of the two most important areas of need, compared to just 27% of buyers.
  • 40% say that terminology/language is a key barrier to homeownership–that’s up from 17% in 2020.
  • 54% think trust and familiarity have become more important factors when choosing a real estate agent in the past 12 months.
  • Just 25% of first-time buyers reported satisfaction with their recent experience, compared to 74% of experienced buyers.
  • Economic concerns prompted 56% of Americans to buy sooner than they expected–in 2020, 29% of Americans said they bought sooner than expected, citing reasons related to the pandemic.
  • 52% say real estate agents’ “years of experience” have become more important in the past 12 months.
  • More than two-thirds of homeowners (65%) who experienced a problem with their property in 2022 recognize that it could have been prevented with routine maintenance and/or inspections.
  • Gen Z buyers are more interested in smart features (78%), new builds (77%), and sustainable materials (81%) than older cohorts.
  • Vibrant local communities are an important factor for younger generations, with 77% of Gen Z saying they consider this when looking to purchase a home.
  • 64% of buyers say renovation potential is an important factor when looking for a home to buy, compared to 45% in 2020.

Major takeaway:

“The events of the past few years have made homebuyers more deliberate about what a home should offer them,” said Nick Bailey, RE/MAX President and CEO. “A home purchase is one of the largest transactions a person will make in their lifetime, so it’s important for them to have a clear understanding about what they’re seeking in a home.  Research like this can help a real estate professional guide them in their search.”

Added Bailey, “Times change, and in a fast-paced industry like this one, it’s important to stay a step ahead. The research shows consumers are increasingly turning to experienced, full-time professionals–and those are the type of agents who make up the RE/MAX network.”

Bottom Line

If you’re thinking about selling your house, there’s probably a good reason for it. Let’s connect so you can make a move that’ll help you accomplish your goals this year.



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